Miss commonsku University? We Got You: All Your Promotional Products Business Software Learnings in One Spot

Last week, the commonsku team shared over two hours of rock-solid, in-app content to give you a deep dive into the hacks, tips, and tools to grow a thriving promotional products business.

commonsku University is our bi-annual conference for distributor and supplier customers where we share everything from how to simplify your workflow to creating a killer client experience. One reason so many people love CSU is that it’s not a week-long conference, nor an all-day experience, it’s in-depth and yet, an easy 2-hour commitment for you and your team to learn the essential tools and hidden hacks. The purpose of commonsku university is to help you become a power user of the fastest, most connected promotional products business software for teams and to give you a glimpse into how other teams are using the software to thrive.

If you missed commonsku University, don’t worry, we’ve got all your learnings below, but here’s what we suggest: Carve an hour or two in your calendar, select the sessions below that you want to watch the most, and make a date with yourself to dig in and learn. To make it even more helpful, invite your team to join you so that you can immediately talk about how to fit these ideas into your current workflow.

And if you didn’t attend but simply want to review the highlights, skip to your faves below!

5 Traits of High-Performance Teams

Bobby Lehew shared the “5 Traits of High-Performance Teams” (in under 5 minutes!) and was then joined on stage by the incredible team at dfine Branding (Caitlin Perez and Kate Munoz) to share how they work better together, in-app. Tune in to this quick, 15-min session to learn how to simplify your process, maximize the platform for team sharing, and work better together.

Simplify Your Process

Projects today have become infinitely more complex and teams are now working more collaboratively than ever before. In this session, Aaron Kucherawy, commonsku’s VP of Customer Success shared insights from the teams who have mastered the art of working well inside of commonsku, plus the essential tools needed to make a modern team perform at optimum speed!

Selling to the Client of the Future

This session was all about maxing the platform to sell for you. Aaron explores how to use smart galleries, shops, CRM tips (and more!) to help land and cultivate new business opportunities. Bobby shares his presentation, “Selling Shops: Tips to Elevate Your Shop Game,” and the seven secrets to help you build a better shops experience which includes examples from commonsku customers as well as best practices from retail like “adopt the drop,” “creative collaboration” and more!

Creating a Killer Client Experience

Did you know that if you can increase retention rates by only 5%, you can increase your profit between 25%-95%? Look at it another way: If you have a $5 million company with healthy margins, and you increase your retention rate by 5%, you can add $500,000 to your bottom line. And when 84% of your business comes from referrals, you know it’s time to make sure your customer experience is amazing.

In this session, Mark Graham, Erin Burley, and Bobby Lehew talk about the common ingredients required to build a client-obsessed brand that leads to high retention. And joining the team on stage (at the 6:36 mark) is the amazing Karesa Wells from Cross Country Promos to talk about her experience with clients as they begin to use the new client portal features and how it simplifies her life! Following Karesa’s experience, Erin Burley walks through the steps to creating and sharing portals with clients.

Pro-Tips, Hacks, and Power Moves

In this closing session, the Customer Success Team, featuring Allison Lavigne, Erin Burley, and Aaron Kucherawy, shared some of the most overlooked power moves pro-users make inside the platform to create a more efficient workflow, plus, the hacks that go unnoticed, and pro-tips to help you sell more and work fast.

Always our most popular session, it’s a quick round-up of the best tips, tricks, hacks, and power moves to help you and your team become the most nimble, connected, and creative team in the business!

commonsku University highlights the top tips for promotional products business software users and is the best way for you and your team to ensure you are maximizing all the benefits from the platform into your workflow.

Tune in above and know that we’ll be back in the fall to share a whole new season of fantastic ideas and in-depth insight!

commonsku is software specifically designed for the promotional products industry. It's a CRM, Order Management, and eCommerce platform wrapped up in one sophisticated hub. With software that intuitively connects distributors and suppliers, commonsku is like a breath of fresh air for your team. Learn more at commonsku.com


Episode 218: How to Be a Branding Badass with Joelly Goodson


Episode 217: The #1 Trait Successful Entrepreneurs Share | Josh Ellis, PPAI