skucast Hidden Gems of 2021: Adam Bluestein, author of "How Supreme-Style Merch Drops Took Over Corporate America"

2021 has been a whirlwind, and as the year draws to a close, we’d like to take a moment to reflect and look back on all we at commonsku, and the skummunity, has been able to achieve over the past year.

Specifically, on the commonsku blog, we’re proud to have put out over 150 pieces of content this past year, including blog posts, videos, podcasts, lookbooks, and eBooks. Over the next month, we’ll be taking a look back at our readers’ favorite posts, and highlighting them as we head into the new year!

Today on the skucast, we’re publishing another hidden gem episode, an episode we ran last year but it slipped under the radar or just needed more attention because of the impact of the topic!

Episode 180: Adam Bluestein, author of "How Supreme-Style Merch Drops Took Over Corporate America"

Today, we’re resharing our conversation with journalist Adam Bluestein because his topic is probably one of the most influential articles ever written about branded merch by an outsider: “How Supreme-Style Merch Drops Took Over Corporate America” published in Marker.

Adam is a journalist who writes for Fast Company., Marker, Men's Journal, and Proto, he writes about people and companies at the forefront of innovation in business and technology, life science and medicine, food, and sustainability.

Adam’s article is one of the most insightful articles about branded merchandise we’ve ever read because it’s written from the perspective of someone outside of our business who did a tremendous amount of research into the companies that use branded merch and why.

We asked Adam if he’d join us to talk about the article plus the stories that didn’t make it into the final piece. What we love most is how Adam creates fresh, evocative language that gets to the heart of how branded merch builds fanatical fans, creates emotional bonds, and elevates the brand experience.

commonsku is software specifically designed for the promotional products industry. It's a CRM, Order Management, and eCommerce platform wrapped up in one sophisticated hub. With software that intuitively connects distributors and suppliers, commonsku is like a breath of fresh air for your team. Learn more at


skucon 2022 Lookbook


skucast Hidden Gems of 2021: The Art of Brandmerch with Brittny Roller